About Tennessee Association of Dance
Mission Statement
Tennessee Association of Dance (TAD) operates with the goal of elevating dance in the lives of Tennesseans through advocacy, education, leadership, and policy formation.
Vision Statement
TAD aspires to become the primary voice of dance in the State of Tennessee.
What We Do
TAD represents the interests of dance as an art form, in education, for individuals and organizations, to the community, and to members of governmental bodies for its members.
TAD serves as a central source of information for Tennessee’s dance constituencies. Through the organization’s website, social media, and publications we report dance activities, employment opportunities, auditions, master classes and workshops, as well as issues of local and national importance in the field. Members’ activities, events, and accomplishments are also highlighted. Plus, members are provided with additional resources designed to aid them in their success.
TAD has proudly served for more than fifty years as the predominant platform for the state’s dance community. It was founded to cultivate an informative and effective voice for dance, acting as a statewide network of organizations and individuals who advocate for artistic excellence through our mission to promote community, fellowship, advocacy, leadership, and education. Throughout our history, we have provided opportunities to support Tennessee dancers through master skill workshops, employment opportunities, and education in artistic influence.
Advocacy Accomplishments
TAD aided in the development of kindergarten through twelfth grade dance curriculum, approved by the State Board of Education, for use in Tennessee’s public-school system; took an active role in the development of current standards for dance licensure; and worked closely with the State Department of Education to create the first dance major in the state. As a result of those efforts, Tennessee now has a fully operational teacher certification program in dance.
Along with TAD’s annual fall event for students and spring event for educators and professional dancers, the organization offers opportunities both online and in-person for dance lovers to participate in additional activities.
TAD’s statewide events host renowned regional, national and international teaching artists from multiple disciplines and genres who contribute enhanced training and professional development through blogs, seminars, workshops and master classes; offer dance students opportunities for auditions for summer and college programs; furnish performance opportunities; and provide networking activities.
Awards and Scholarships
Competitive scholarships for student dancers are available through an audition process at the annual fall event. These scholarships enable up to three aspiring student dancers a chance to advance their training through summer study. TAD’s annual Professional Development Grant is given to an eligible dance professional for continuing education, research or career transition. The organization also recognizes exceptional contributions to the field through three awards for dance professionals and an award for student choreography. They will also begin honoring individuals, businesses and organizations who promote dance in the state of Tennessee.