The Tennessee Association of Dance is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization existing thanks to grants, sponsorships, membership, and generous donations from businesses, organizations and individuals like you.

We thank everyone for their generous support of this more than 50-year-old organization with a mission to elevate dance in the lives of Tennesseans through advocacy, education, leadership, and policy formation. Our long-term vision is to become the primary voice of dance in the state of Tennessee.

Only with the help of the expansive dance community will we be able to reach our lofty plans over the next several years. While your financial support will certainly be appreciated, we are equally interested in getting input from those who are involved with dance in any way through your comments, through the purchase of a Tennessee specialty license plate, through becoming a member, through your volunteering to help with an activity, through your service on our advisory committee or through becoming a member of our board of directors.

To make a donation, click here.

To send us a message that you would like to volunteer, serve on the advisory committee or become a candidate for our board of directors, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please put a note as to your interest in the subject line.

To become a member, click here.

To purchase a Tennessee specialty license plate, click here.

Thanks so much for your support of Tennessee Association of Dance.